
  Click on the above button to donate via PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account, just click on continue in the lower left hand corner to donate using a debit or credit card). Checks can be sent to:
Toby R. Keeton, Project Hope House
408 Cobblestone Dr. Wilmington, NC, 28405
Thank you so much for your consideration. A donation of any amount will go a long way in helping to see this project through to completion. Please spread the word about our mission to friends, family, and co-workers. If you would like a receipt for your donation for tax or other purposes, please email your request to Again, we thank you so much for your generosity.
-Toby & Audrey
Coming Soon- "Audrey's List" For more information about the donation of items such as school supplies, footwear, clothing and other needs, email